“The only thing that can fulfill you is being yourself and that’s inseparable from now, the field of now. That frees you, it liberates you from the world… then you walk around with much less heaviness… at the moment humans are very heavy on the planet, wherever they step life gets exterminated and that has to do with their state of consciousness, but there is another way to live and this is it.”
In Bringing Stillness to Everyday Life, Eckhart Tolle challenges us to tap into a level of consciousness, which is really the essence of who we are, but is different from the normal consciousness we live out in our every day life. This normal consciousness which has been a part of our collective human conditioning for thousands of years is what he calls-“continuous incessant thought activity, the compulsion to think to interpret everything to label everything to judge everything and to perceive everything from the veil of continuous thought activity.”
We have become so identified with our thoughts and the personal histories we carry around (which are also just a collection of thoughts) that we are weighted down by this burden of thinking. But our thoughts are not who we are. There is so much more to who we are. We are instead the space in-between our thoughts. The stillness. The alert presence and life energy in the background.
In this program, Eckhart Tolle suggests three ways to tap into this level of consciousness while we are going about our normal everyday lives.
1) Pay attention to your body. Notice the aliveness in your body in the background. There is an intelligent energy in your body that is separate from thought. Notice the subtle energy of your body. Directing your attention to your body removes your attention from thinking. You become more rooted in your being.
2) Pay attention to your sense perceptions outside of your body. Sounds, sight, smell… just be aware of what you see smell or taste without attaching thought to the sense perception.
3) Begin noticing the silence between the words or sentences of someone talking to you. You don’t have any time to attach a thought to this. You are just noticing the space. You become familiar with awareness itself without an object.
It doesn’t matter if you can’t hold these suggestions for very long. Length of time is irrelevant. That is who you are and you can’t put a name or concept to it… and it’s like coming home. Awareness is the background to all experiences.
In this clip, Eckhart Tolle gives guidance on feeling the aliveness, the inner energy field of the body and becoming more rooted in the being that you are, rather than being tethered only to the mind.
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