Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How to Tell When Your Partner is Lying: The Hendricks

The Hendricks – How to Know Your Partner is Lying

In this fascinating program Gay Hendricks advises his listeners on what to do in the unfortunate circumstance where you must detect if your partner is being truthful. He prefaces this delicate conversation with a discussion of the steps that you can take to prevent your relationship from ever reaching this difficult point.

If you do find yourself in this uncomfortable situation, here are some of the tips that Gay Hendricks lays out that may help you get the answers that you need.

1. First, you have to decide whether or not you really want to know the truth. Make absolutely certain that you are ready hear the answer to your questions, before you ask them.
2. Make sure you ask as specific question. If you ask things in general terms it will give your partner room to talk abstractly and not communicate effectively. Be direct, i.e., “Have you had sex with Jane?”
3. Body language is one of the best signals of concealment. Take notice if your partner is touching his or her face, crossing the legs or arms, averting the eyes, or shifting the body to left or right.
4. Pay attention to shifts in the pitch and speed of your partner’s voice when he or she is answering your question. This is a common signal stress and thus may reveal that they are hiding something.

Hear more about these signs, and others, in this very interesting discussion of one of the most difficult obstacles that couples can face. Being more honest and open will strengthen your relationship and open the doors towards greater intimacy.

[to accompany gallery or can provide clip]

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